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Block Ads With AdZero

Click the green button below to begin blocking ads & trackers

"I can't believe how well AdZero works. No more Ads!"

-- Kristen., Austin, TX

AdZero Features

Ad Blocking

AdZero stops annoying pop-ups, banners and video ads once and for all.

Browser Security

With AdZero, you'll avoid phishing and fraudulent websites and malware attacks.

Improved PC Efficiency

Save battery life and reduce energy use by stopping ads from using your PC's resources.

Privacy Protection

Blocks companies from tracking you online

Lightning Fast

Increases website load speed for 44% faster browsing

Ease of Use

In-browser controls are simple and easy to use

Get Ad Blocking For Websites

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    Protect Your Privacy – Companies will not be able to track you across the internet

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    Accelerated Browsing - Zip around the Internet with lightning speed

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    Simple setup - In-browser controls make ad blocking quick and easy

AdZero Blocks :
    Popup Ads
    Video Ads
    Banner Ads
    Malicious Ads